Education loans are interest-free, free assistance for improving professional skills. Who can apply for the loan, what are its advantages and when does…
**Data Scientist - a.k.a. Data Science specialist, or who? ** In short, a Data Scientist is a person who, among other things, collects, processes, analyzes…
We invite you to participate in the 5th edition of the competition for IT tools for Polish language processing - PolEval 2021. Its goal is to improve…
The fourth edition of AI & NLP Day - a conference bringing together professionals and enthusiasts of artificial intelligence and natural language processing,…
Despite safeguards and, hopefully, a growing awareness of cyber security, data leaks from websites happen and will happen all the time.
In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, the digitization of businesses in Poland has begun to accelerate. Many companies have had to change their existing…
This year, we have prepared an attractive special offer for you for the entire vacation period. Get to know the details!
This year, Sages is again very active in organizing competitions and challenges in the field of IT, and in particular in the context of the application…
OMEGA-PSIR software, developed by the Institute of Computer Science at the Warsaw University of Technology, and developed and implemented in cooperation…
We should treat data in an organization as our asset. It is sometimes said that nowadays data for companies, is the modern equivalent of oil, that is,…
The topic of migration to the cloud is one of the most popular topics not only at many presentations or conferences, but is also one of the most popular…
In June we would like to introduce our offerings from the area of cloud technologies. We invite you to take a look at our proposals for this month.