How to become a Java Developer in 2021?

Karolina Zadroga
Product Marketing Manager
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9 września 2021

According to the IT MARKET SNAPSHOT Q1 2021 report, as many as 21% of the 13,789 IT job offers in the first quarter of 2021 were for Java specialists. And while there has been a slight decline in the number of offers addressed to seniors recently, this is most likely due primarily to problems in recruiting them.

One of the solutions of companies to cope with the insufficient availability of specialized experts is to allow those who are less in demand on the labor market to upgrade their competencies or retrain from less attractive or outdated technologies to ones that meet the real needs of the business.

Wanting to have an employee on the team who is as close as possible to the current needs of the organization, it is worth creating conditions for him to acquire the most relevant skills. Such an assumption was made by Sages, which created the Java Developer PRO course under the Kodołamacz brand. The best participants in this program will have the opportunity to develop as a Java Developer at Sages. The stakes are really high, as this position can count on a salary of 10,000k net and full reimbursement of the cost of participation in the program.

Sages has been operating on the Polish training market for more than 13 years. To date, it has trained thousands of individuals, as well as employees of many recognized companies, such as Allegro, ABB and Alior Bank. The company is constantly developing and conducting new projects, one of which is CRIS Omega-Psir software, which was used in the creation of the Polish Medical Platform. The IT department employs skilled programmers, IT specialists and analysts. The team is growing all the time, so there are constant recruitment processes. However, finding the perfect employee is not as easy as it might seem. People who applied for the position of Java Developer, unfortunately, did not meet the requirements, presented in the job offer. It turned out that many people begin to learn Java or another object-oriented language, but the problem they face is the ability to put the knowledge they have gained into practice and move from the basics to more advanced issues.

It is for this reason that the Java Developer PRO development program was created, which enables participants to acquire competencies that are desirable on the job market, and are aligned with current business needs and employers' expectations for the position of Java Developer. In the words of Jakub Koperwas, CEO of Sages: "We believe that such a course is a great opportunity to really get to know the people who are later offered jobs. We are keen to find people who want to develop technologically and, in addition, can realistically co-create a product. It is difficult to find such people during standard recruitment processes."

Sages decided to draw on its past training experience and create a course whose curriculum was developed by high-level professionals with many years of both design and teaching experience, working every day in companies struggling with the needs of today's IT world. The choice of technologies, frameworks and programming topics covered is tailored to the scope required by most companies looking for Java programmers. The course consists of 300 hours of intensive study. As a result, its graduates will be able to enter the next levels of their programming careers quickly, with useful knowledge and new skills.

According to Mateusz Kaminski - Engineering Manager at Sages, who at the same time supervises the Java Developer PRO, "The course is not a typical bootcamp. It is addressed to people who already have some programming experience, who want to expand and improve their skills, which are expected by employers both on the job market and with us at Sages. The course program we offer is unique - in addition to developing skills in Java programming, students have the opportunity to learn the recently hot Kotlin, understand the differences between the world of NoSQL and SQL databases using MongoDB as an example, and learn good programming practices, i.e. how to write clean code, tests, design patterns and perform refactoring. All this in a workshop format focused on practice under the constant supervision of a mentor. The student, after passing this course, should have no difficulty developing web applications on their own, based on the most popular technology stacks from the Java world."

The main goal of the course is to train the participants in advanced topics, related to programming, so that they can be recruited to work at Sages or easily cope with the job market. For this reason, the programming language in the course is Java, which is ranked as the second most popular programming language of 2021 according to TIOBE. The best graduates can count on a place in Sages' IT team. The stakes are high, as the salary of such a person will reach up to PLN 10,000 net. In addition, those hired by Sages will be reimbursed for their participation in the Java Developer PRO program.

"We are the co-developers of Omega-PSIR software, and we are working for Open Science. Currently the project is in the process of commercialization. We have implementations in Poland and are conducting expansion into foreign markets. All the time we aspire to become internationally recognized. We have recently started work on a system to support PDF adaptation for people with disabilities. What's more, we are also conducting internal projects for Sages training products, which are generally simpler, but offer the opportunity to test ourselves with the latest technologies." - Matthew Kaminski adds.

The course will start on October 2, 2021, while recruitment for the Java Developer PRO program will continue until September 29 (weekend and daytime mode). Candidates will have to solve recruitment tasks and pass an interview with a mentor. Java Developer PRO is the next step in the development of a programming career. It will expand the knowledge of participants, with issues that are desirable on the job market. For this reason, we will invite only those who meet the entry requirements to the course. Our goal is to train motivated and ambitious programmers who want to enter the job market as soon as possible with useful knowledge and skills. More about the program can be found at:

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