Storytelling is one of the oldest and at the same time most difficult activities we have had to deal with over the centuries. I'd even be tempted to say…
A record number of submissions and inspiring speeches by guests from abroad. This is how the 8th Seminar of Users of University Knowledge Bases, held…
According to the April 4, 2019 law on digital accessibility of public entities' websites and mobile applications, all websites and applications of public…
In early January, we encouraged you to participate in the 4th edition of the IT community survey organized by Bulldogjob in partnership with our company,…
The pervasiveness of digital solutions in learning, work, culture and social life poses challenges for application and website developers to make digital…
Adding recommended security headers is one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve the security level of a web application. You can find a great number…
Deep learning is used to solve business problems in various areas. A natural part of the development of algorithms in practice is to improve their performance…
The National Training Fund (KFS) is a form of financial support through which it is possible to subsidize training for employees and employers. In order…
We would like to invite you to participate already in the 4th edition of the IT Community Survey 2022 organized by Bulldogjob. This year we have become…
We invite you to read the transcript of the panel discussion that took place during the Top Tech Trends 2021 conference. The discussion featured Lukasz…
Machine learning has been successfully used to solve business problems in a variety of areas. A natural part of the development of algorithms in practice…
As many as 85% of bootcamp graduates who went to the course with the goal of getting a job as a Junior Data Scientist as soon as possible achieved their…