Some time ago, a report entitled "Worker of the Future" was published by the Infuture Hatalska foresight institute. It discusses various possible scenarios…
The IT market is constantly changing. Sometimes I feel that it is changing too fast. I always live in fear that if I went on a year-long vacation -- upon…
Probably all of you have had exposure to computer games at some point. From joining diamonds in threes on your phone screen, to gripping races with a…
On the Internet, our data is the currency we pay for many services. Thanks to huge data sets about our online behavior and preferences, large portals…
The collection of data on users of various services is a topic that, while it has existed since it became technically possible (that is, since the 1990s,…
Whenever I bring up the topic of the Internet of Things, the question always comes up regarding how secure the technology is and whether it can be trusted.…
"What will moving to the cloud actually give me?" --- this question can be heard very often, whether in the context of a large organization facing the…
In the previous post, I discussed what integration is and presented one of the real-world scenarios we might encounter when implementing an ESB in an…
This article was written not to discuss what systems integration is from the theoretical side, because a lot of books, a lot of articles, good blogs have…
Kaggle, a platform best known for its data analytics competitions, recently released a report compiling information on data analytics professionals from…
If we take a very broad understanding of the term User Experience, as *the user experience encompassing all aspects of interaction with a company, its…
What can be the consequences of errors in contracts? One of them is the loss of funds, as some users of the Parity wallet had a painful experience in…