IT community in 2022 - take part in Bulldogjob survey

Zespół Sages
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10 stycznia 2022

We would like to invite you to participate already in the 4th edition of the IT Community Survey 2022 organized by Bulldogjob. This year we have become a partner of this survey. Show the true face of IT work and give professionals arguments, to improve their working conditions.

In last year's installment of the Bulldogjob survey, as many as over 7,000 members of the IT community in Poland participated. This year we intend to beat that number and provide you with even more value and an even more complete picture of the Polish IT industry!

Don't delay and fill out the anonymous survey, which will take max. 10 minutes.

Why spend your priceless time on the survey?

A survey of the IT community is not just about collecting data or a reason to make neat charts (you can find previous survey reports here >>). It's first and foremost information that you can translate into real benefits in your daily work - examples below:

  1. You will learn about the averaged earnings of the survey participants, broken down by specific specialties and level of initiation + a breakdown depending on the form of employment:
  • comparison of salaries in relation to specific cities will help you decide whether to relocate, for example, from Krakow to Warsaw, etc.
  • you can refer to the results of the survey when negotiating with your boss for a raise / course for yourself, etc.
  • this knowledge can influence your decision to further develop your career in a particular field.
  1. You will get to know a real cross-section of IT - invaluable knowledge when it comes to comparing and accessing specialists in a particular field in the market:
  • again, this can weigh on the creation of a career path,
  • you know how many years of experience it takes to get to the next level,
  • knowing what the percentage of specialists is, you can negotiate better rates when changing jobs.
  1. You find out what technologies are the most popular - the survey also covers tools and frameworks:
  • you have an understanding of what tools work for which positions - a must have.
  • You see how trends are created (nice to have), and which tools are a waste of time.
  1. You learn about working conditions - you find out what motivates others to work (or change their work):
  • you'll know what helps and what hinders IT specs at work - you'll be able to compare feelings, find out if it's only you who faces a particular problem, or if the whole industry struggles with it;
  • you will learn the ranking of dream companies where specialists want to work,
  • you'll find out what relationships are like in teams across the country - this can help you work on the whole team,
  • you'll see how much per day specialists in each position work, and the amount of work they find effective.
  1. You'll check how companies try to retain their employees - benefits, atmosphere, form of employment, work model (remote / hybrid / office only), etc.

  2. You'll seewhat it really looks like with these studies and how it looks across the IT industry. The survey illustrates the completed degree of education of the participants, which can be an argument in negotiations with the supervisor / new job or an incentive for further education.

  3. You will learn what percentage of professionals in 2021 received raises and how many of them expect another one this year:

  • based on the findings of this section, you will know what the mood is in the industry and what you can expect.

With the above in mind, participating in the survey allows you to have a real impact on the IT industry, as it also benefits employers, recruiters and analysts.

If the survey gives you reliable information and a cross-section of the industry, and knowledge is the key to power, then it's all in your hands. All you have to do is fill out the anonymous survey and benefit from the comprehensive report.

Want to participate in the survey? Fill out the survey, available at:

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