Agile methodologies dominate IT. As the world is long and wide, people are training to be product owners and scrum masters. Traditional approaches to…
In this article, we will answer the question of what a model really is, for what purpose we might want to build one, and how to teach a computer something…
In this article, I will present in as simple a way as possible what machine learning is all about. When writing, I imagined a reader who is not directly…
My name is Matthew and I work at Crazy Labs as a programmer and game designer. I have been working in gamedev in various positions for seven years. In…
When writing code in java and creating new classes, we often need to write methods that are practically almost the same for different classes.
An employee is a business card of a company. What matters more than his appearance are his competencies. These he has the chance to acquire during various…
Nowadays, the vast majority of companies use Agile (agile methodologies), including the vast majority of Scrum. So let's take a closer look at this issue…
The global pandemic has dynamically forced employers to change their work arrangements. Both local startups and multinational corporations have had to…
Organizing training for employees is the hallmark of a good employer. His task is not only to manage the team on a daily basis, but also to analyze its…
Employee development is key to a company's success. Some of them offer "development opportunities" in their recruitment ads on the spur of the moment.…
No matter what we call them, distance or remote training, or online training, is something that both participants and many trainers have been rather unconvinced…
Hard times have come... They make us sit at home and not go anywhere. In our industry it's not so bad yet, we can and even have to work from home. I'm…