Don’t miss the opportunity - register for the IREB exploRE 2024 conference and meet the best experts in the field of requirements

Zespół Sages
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8 marca 2024

We invite you to the IREB exploRE 2024 conference dedicated to requirements engineering and business analysis. The conference will take place on April 25, 2024, at the NYX Hotel in Warsaw.

The event is aimed at requirements engineers, business analysts, programmers, system designers, and anyone interested in requirements topics. Conference participants will have the chance to listen to expert IREB speakers and members of the Polish community who will share their knowledge and experience in the following areas:

  • Quality – often neglected requirements
  • Business modeling in business analysis
  • Balancing functional and non-functional requirements
  • Product thinking in business analysis
  • Security requirements – approaches and mindset
  • The role of a business analyst in addressing digital exclusion
  • Requirements as the result of collaborative team efforts
  • Delivering the right things quickly
  • The conference will also be an excellent opportunity to network and connect with others in the industry.

The event program and list of speakers are available on the website:

Link for registration and ticket purchase:

You’re warmly invited!

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